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Department of Biogeography

Prof. Dr. Carl Beierkuhnlein

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Klaus Müller-Hohenstein: Talks, Posters...

Bergwaldregeneration am Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tansania: Synthese von Biodiversitätsdynamik und Nährstoffdynamik.Schrumpf, M*; Axmacher, JC; Tünte, H; Müller-Hohenstein, K; Zech, W16th annual meeting of the Society for Tropical Ecology, Rostock: 2003-02-19 - 2003-02-22
Effects of fire on the diversity of geometrid moths on Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania.Axmacher, JC*; Scheuermann, L; Schrumpf, M; Lyaruu, HVM; Fiedler, K; Müller-Hohenstein, KGlobal Mountain Biodiversity Assessment, Moshi, Tanzania: 2002-08-19 - 2002-08-24
Lepidopterendiversität entlang eines Störungsgradienten im Bergregenwald des Mt. Kilimanjaro.Axmacher, JC*; Lyaruu, HVM; Müller-Hohenstein, K15th annual meeting of the Society for Tropical Ecology, Göttingen: 2002-02-20 - 2002-02-23
Diversity of Lepidoptera at different levels of disturbance in the mountain rain forest of Mt. Kilimanjaro.Axmacher, JC*; Lyaruu, HVM; Schrumpf, M; Müller-Hohenstein, K2nd annual Conference of the Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute TaWiRI, Arusha, Tanzania: 2001-11-11 - 2001-11-15

* denotes presenting person
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