Other Publications |
-- 2004 -- |
Bitzer, K: Modelización de flujo, transporte y sedimentación de evaporitas con el programa SIMSAFADIM: aplicación a la secuencia evaporítica del Vallès-Penedès (Catalunya) VI Congreso Geológico de España, Zaragoza, 12-15. Julio, 2004, Geotemas, 6(2), 263-268 (2004) |
Bitzer, K: Estimating paleogeographic, hydrological and climatic conditions in the upper Burdigalian Vallès-Pénedès basin (Catalunya, Spain), geologica acta, 2(4), 321-331 (2004) |
-- 2003 -- |
Bitzer, K: Geologie im Schulunterricht – Schnittstelle zwischen Mathematik, Biologie, Chemie und Physik, Poster Gründungsveranstaltung des ZMNU an der Universität Bayreuth 7.2.2003 (2003) |
-- 2002 -- |
Bitzer, K; Salas, R: SIMSAFADIM:three-dimensional simulation of stratigraphic architecture and facies distribution modeling of carbonaze sediments, Computers & Geosciences, 28, 1177-1192 (2002) |
Bitzer, K; Salas, R: SIMSAFADIM (2002): 3D simulation of stratigraphic architecture and facies distribution modeling of carbonate sediments, , 28, 1177-1192 (2002) -- Details |
Carmona, JM; Puigserver, D; Casas, A; Himi, M; Bitzer, K: Hacia un nuevo modelo de gestión de agua en el oasis de Figuig (Sudeste deMarruecos), II Conferencia de Tecnología para el desarrollo humano UPC Barcelona 25.-26.4.2002, 51-56 (2002) -- Details |
-- 2001 -- |
Bitzer, K; Salas, R: Simulating carbonate and mixed carbonate-clastic sedimentation using predator-prey models in Merriam, D. & Davis, J.: Geologic modeling and simulation: Sedimentary systems, 169-204 (2001) |
Bitzer, K; Travé, A; Carmona, JM: Fluid flow at basin scale, Acta Geologica Hispanica, 36, 1-2, 1-20 (2001) |
Calvet F., Travé A; Bitzer, K; Roca, E; Trittlla, J; Baker, J: Dolomitization of detrital deposits related to Neogene extensional faults, Catalan Coastal Ranges (Spain), Geotemas, 3(1), 109-111 (2001) |
Calvet, F; Travé, A; Bitzer, K; Roca, E; Trittlla, J; Baker, J: Dolomitization of detrital deposits related to Neogene extensional faults, Catalan Coastal Ranges (Spain)., Geotemas, 3, 1, 109-111 (2001) |
Carmona, J; Bitzer, K: Los sistemas cársticos de Lagunas de Cañada del Hoyo y Torcas de los Palancares (Serrania de Cuenca, España), IGME, Temas Aguas Subterraneas, 451-459 (2001) |
Carmona, J; Puigserver, D; Bitzer, K; Casas, A; Mahjoub, H; Cipriano, X: El sistema acuifero del oasis de Figuig (Marruecos sudoriental), IGME, Temas Aguas Subterraneas, 451-459 (2001) |
Carmona J., Puigserver D; Bitzer, K; Roca, E; Casas, A; Cipriano, X; Mahjoub, H: El sistema acuifero del oasis de Figuig (Marruecos), IGME Temas Aguas Subterraneas, 451-459 (2001) |
Salas, R; Bitzer, K: Modelización de la sedimentación de carbonatos mediante sistemas depredador-presa: aplicación al Aptiense inferior de la Cuenca del Maestrazgo (Cadena Ibérica oriental), Geotemas, 3, 2, 75-79 (2001) |
-- 2000 -- |
Bitzer, K; Ayora, C: Modeling episodic dewatering and evolution of fluid pressure/total load ratio (lambda) in a sedimentary basin, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 69-70, 569-573 (2000) |
Bitzer, K; Salas, J; Ayora, C: Fluid pressure, flow velocities and transport processes in a consolidating sedimentary column with transient hydraulic properties, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 69-70, 127-131 (2000) |
Carmona, J; Bitzer, K; López, E; Bouazza, M: Isotopic composition and origin of geothermal waters at Caldetes (Maresme - Barcelona), Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 69-70, 713 (2000) |
Gómez-Gras, D; Parcerisa, D; Bitzer, K; Calvet, F; Roca, E; Thiry, M: Hydrogeochemistry and diagenesis of Miocene sandstones at Montjuïc, Barcelona (Spain), Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 69-70, 177-182 (2000) |
Pueyo, J; Cardellach, E; Bitzer, K; Taberner, C: Proceedings of Geofluids III (Barcelona, 12.7.-14.7.2000), Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 69-70, 714 (2000) |
Salas, J; Ayora, C; Bitzer, K: The redox control of groundwater around the Okélobondo uranium deposit (Gabon): 1D reactive transport modelling, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 69-70, 189-193 (2000) |
Salas, J; Bitzer, K; Ayora, C: Oxidation processes of the natural nuclear reactor of Okélobondo (Gabon): reactive transport modeling, Journal of Conference Abstracts (Goldschmidt 2000, Oxford, UK), 5(2), 869-870 (2000) |
-- 1999 -- |
Bitzer, K: Mechanisms for generating overpressure in sedimentary basins: a reevaluation. Discussion, Bull. AAPG, 83,5, 798-799 (1999) |
Bitzer, K: Two-dimensional simulation of clastic and carbonate sedimentation, consolidation, subsidence, fluid flow, heat flow and solute transport during the formation of sedimentary basins, Computers & Geosciences, 25/4, 431-447 (1999) |
Bitzer, K; Salas, J; Ayora, C: Hydrofracturing, fluid flow and solute transport: a quantitative model applied to the Oklo uraninite deposits (Gabon), Workshop an "Fluids and fractures in the lithosphere", Nancy, 26 - 27 März 1999, Livre des resumés, 54 (1999) |
Calvet, F; Travé, A; Roca, E; Bitzer, K; Backer, J: Dolomitization of miocene deposits related to extensional faults (Vallès-Penedès half-graben, NE Spain), Workshop an "Fluids and fractures in the lithosphere", Nancy, 26 - 27 März 1999, Livre des resumés, 62 (1999) |
-- 1998 -- |
Bitzer, K; Travé, A; Carmona, JM; Calvet, F: Fluid flow in foreland basins during emplacement of thrust sheets: modeling the south-Pyrenean Ainsa basin, Bull. Soc. géol. France, 169/5, 627-634 (1998) |
Salas, J; Ayora, C; Bitzer, K: Modelling flow and reactive transport at basin scale in D. Louvet, European Commission Nuclear Science and Technology: Oklo working group, proceedings of the 6th meeting, Sitges, 1997, 376-389 (1998) |
-- 1997 -- |
Bitzer, K: Pressure evolution and heat flow in a rift basin: a case study of the Barcelona half-graben in Pawlowsky-Glahn, V.: Proceedings IAMG´97, Barcelona, 579-584 (1997) |
Bitzer, K: Numerical solutions of the nonlinear equation of state for porosity.- In: International Symposium on High Performance Computing in Seismic Modeling in F. Seron & J. Sabadell: Zaragoza, 2.6.-3.6.1997, 23-30 (1997) |
Bitzer, K: BASIN: A finite-element model for simulation of consolidation, fluid flow, solute transport and heat flow in sedimentary basins in Pawlowsky-Glahn, V.: Proceedings IAMG´97, Barcelona, 444-449 (1997) |
Bitzer, K; Calvet, F: Pressure evolution and fluid flow in a rift basin: a modeling study from the Barcelona half-graben, GSA Annual Meeting 97, Salt Lake City, GSA Abstracts with programs, 29, 6 (1997) |
Bitzer, K; Carmona, JM; Calvet, F; Travé, A: Modeling paleohydrological and thermal evolution of distensive basins: application to the Barcelona half-graben (offshore, NE Spain) in Hendry, J. P: Geofluids II, Extended Abstracts Volume Belfast, 10.-14.3.1997, 352-355 (1997) |
Bitzer, K; Carmona, JM; Calvet, F; Travé, A: Neogene paleohydrology of the Barcelona half-graben, III Congreso Español del Terciario, Extended Abstracts Volume, Cuenca 2.-4.7.1997, 57-60 (1997) |
Bitzer, K; Carmona, JM; Calvet, F; Travé, A: Fluid pressure evolution in foreland basins during emplacement of thrust sheets in Vasseur, G.: Hydrodynamique et interaction fluides-roches dans les roches poreuses et fracturées, Livre des Resumes Montpellier, 17.-18.4.1997, 27-28 (1997) |
Calvet, F; Travé, A; Roca, E; Soler, A; Labaume, P; Bitzer, K: Fracturing and fluid migration during Paleogene compression and Neogene extension in the central zone of the Catalan Coastal Ranges (NE Spain) in Hendry, J. P: Geofluids II, Extended Abstracts Volume Belfast, 10.-14.3.1997, 73-76 (1997) |