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Department of Biogeography

Prof. Dr. Carl Beierkuhnlein

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Yagya Adhikari: Curriculum Vitae


02/14 – 05/16 Post Doc. Researcher

 Project: “Diversity of plants and animals in tree canopies in forests of the central Himalayas/Nepal as indicators for sustainable land management” funded by the German Bauer-Stiftung zur Förderung von Wissenschaft und Forschung (project number T237/24905/2013/kg) Geobotany, Technische Universität München (TUM), Germany.

 03/9 – 07/13 PhD Student

Department for ecology and ecosystem management, Geobotany, Technische Universität München (TUM). Dr. rer. nat. with Distinction. Thesis: “Distribution pattern, micro-site conditions, host tree characteristics and utilization of epiphytic orchids in the central Himalayas.

10/2006 – 10/2008 Master of Science in Sustainable Resource Management (SRM)

School of Forest Science & Resource Management, (TUM), Freising, Germany. Master Thesis: “Sustainable Tourism: Boon or Dilemma for Biodiversity and Community Development - A case study ACAP area of Nepal”

11/1999 – 10/2001 Master of Science in Botany

Tribhuvan University (TU), Kirtipur Campus, Kathmandu, Nepal.

Thesis: “Phytophthora foot rot in citrus”.

02/1997 – 11/1999 BSc biology (focus: botany and ecology)

Prithwi Narayan Campus, TU Pokhara, Nepal.



Academic Activities

Scientific Editor of Journal of Mountain Science (JMS)

Referee of the International journal of Biodiversity and Conservation (IJBC)

Referee of Journal of Threaten Taxa (JTT)

Referee of Journal of Traditional Chinese Medical Sciences (JTCMS).

Referee of Journal Biodiversity and conservation

Referee of Plant Ecology and Diversity  



Research, Conference and Travel grants

Post Doc. Research grants 2014: Bauer-Stiftung zur Förderung von Wissenschaft und Forschung (project number T237/24905/2013/kg) Geobotany, Technische Universität München (TUM), Germany.

TUM Conference grants for International Congress for Conservation Biology (July 21-25, 2013, Baltimore, MD, USA)

DAAD Conference grants for the 6th International Canopy Conference, on Anthropogenic Influence on Forest Canopies (October 24 - 27, Oaxaca, Mexico) in 2012

Summer School Grants funded by Sino-German Centre for Science Promotion for scientific writing in the context of “Biodiversity- ecosystem functioning” (March 16 - 22, Wuyan, China) in 2012

DAAD Steibt stipendium for PhD close grant in 2012

TUM, Graduate school grants for tree climbing course (SKT- A) in 2011

TUM travel grant for International Conference on "Biodiversity, Livelihood and Climate Change in the Himalayas" (Dec 12 - 14, 2010: Kathmandu, Nepal) in 2010

TUM travel grants to Nepal in 2009 

TUM, Graduate School grants for international research in 2010

TUM travel grants for master thesis field work to Nepal in 2008


Employment Summary

 07.2018 – date “Gastwissenschaftler in Lehrstuhl biogeografie Universität bayreuth Telefon:0921-552214 Raum: GEO II, Rm 019.

12.2015– date Research Co-ordinator for one of the project sites in Nepal “Contribution of invertebrates and fungi to wood decomposition relative to global climate” (There are 51 project sites in 35 countries).

06 - 08.2016 Associate researcher (part time), TUM, Germany Tasks: Shorting insect groups in taxonomy order (Coleoptera and Heteroptera)

02.2014 – 05.2016 Post Doc. Researcher, Geobotany, TUM, Germany Project coordinator for Nepal: Protection of biodiversity of epiphytic plants and of canopy fauna as indicators for sustainable land use management in central Himalayas/Nepal.

04 - 09.2013 Research associate (part-time) LWF Bayern, Freising, Germany Project ST 305 “Unterstützung bei der Dateneingabe”.

04 - 11.2009 Research associate (part-time), Restoration Ecology chair, TUM, Germany

03.1997 - 10.2006 Botanist, “The Explore Nepal Group” (a tourism based company) Environment and heritage conservation campaign.

06.2002 - 06.2004 Botany lecturer (part time), Capital College and Research Centre, Kathmandu, Nepal.

06.2003 - 09.2006 Botany lecturer (part time), Jaya Devkota Memorial Manakamana College, Kathmandu, Nepal.

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