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Lehrstuhl für Biogeografie

Prof. Dr. Carl Beierkuhnlein

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Khishigdelger Enkhtur: Angebotene Abschlussarbeiten

Angebotene Masterarbeiten
Shrink or shift: distribution of Rhodostrophia jacularia (Lepidoptera:Geometridae)


Aims:  If temperature keep rising, how species of steppe and desert will react to it? Since species richness of moths in central Asia was negatively correlated with temperature, it is a crucial question to answer.

Study programs:  M.Sc. Geoökologie, M.Sc. Biodiversität & Ökologie, M.Sc. GCE

Language:  English

Start: Palearctic

Location: Europe

Skills needed: GIS

Ansprechpartner: Khishigdelger Enkhtur, Martin Pfeiffer
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