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Department of Biogeography

Prof. Dr. Carl Beierkuhnlein

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Roberto Canullo: Publications

Peer-reviewed journals
Wellstein, C; Poschlod, P; Gohlke, A; Chelli, S; Campetella, G; Rosbakh, S; Canullo, R; Kreyling, J; Jentsch, A; Beierkuhnlein, C: Effects of extreme drought on specific leaf area of grassland species: A meta-analysis of experimental studies in temperate and sub-Mediterranean systems., Global Change Biology, 23(6), 2473-2481 (2017)
Wellstein, C; Chelli, S; Campetella, G; Bartha, S; Galiè, M; Spada, F; Canullo, R: Intraspecific phenotypic variability of plant functional traits in contrasting mountain grasslands habitats, Biodiversity and Conservation, 22(10), 2353-2374 (2013)
doi:10.1007/s10531-013-0484-6 -- Details
Campetella, G; Botta-Dukát, Z; Wellstein, C; Canullo, R; Gatto, S; Chelli, S; Mucina, L; Bartha, S: Patterns of plant trait-environment relationships along a forest succession chronosequence, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 145(1), 38-48 (2011)
doi:10.1016/j.agee.2011.06.025 -- Details
Canullo, R; Campetella, G; Mucina, L; Chelli, S; Wellstein, C; Bartha, S: Patterns of clonal growth modes along a chronosequence of post-coppice forest regeneration succession in beech forest of Central Italy, Folia Geobotanica, 46(2), 271-288 (2011)
doi:10.1007/s12224-010-9087-0 -- Details
Books and Book Chapters
Güler, B; Jentsch, A; Apostolova, I; Bartha, S; Bloor, J; Campetella, G; Canullo, R; Házi, J; Kreyling, J; Szabó, G; Terziiska, T; Uğurlu, E; Wellstein, C; Zimmermann, Z; Dengler, J: Effects of plot shape and arrangement on species richness counts in grasslands. - In: Mucina, L., Price, J.N., Kalwij, J.M. [Eds.], Biodiversity and vegetation: patterns, processes, conservation, 223-233 Kwongan Foundation, Perth (2014)
Jentsch, A; Kreyling, J; Apostolova, I; Bahn, M; Bartha, S; Beierkuhnlein, C; Bloor, J; de Boeck, H; Dengler, J; Picon-Cochard, C; Campetella, G; Canullo, R; Nijs, I; Stampfli, A; Sternberg, M; Uğurlu, E; Walter, J; Wellstein, C; Zeitler, M: Joining biodiversity experiments, climate change research and invasion biology to assess European gradients of grassland resilience in the face of climate extremes. – In: Mucina, L., Price, J.N., Kalwij, J.M. [Eds.], Biodiversity and vegetation: patterns, processes, conservation, p. 114 Kwongan Foundation, Perth (2014)
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