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Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften

Masterstudiengang - Global Change Ecology

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Seminar: Research at the Natural and Social Science Interface (M7) (74043)

WS 2021/2022
14.02.2022-15.02.2022 (mehrtägig)

Thomas Koellner


14.02.2020 9:00 - 18:00
15.02.2020 9:00 - 13:00


Learning Objective: Environmental problems require not only expert knowledge but also the ability to work together with different disciplines and societal actors. The aim of this module is to impart knowledge about the interface in inter- and transdisciplinary research. The possibilities and limits of these approaches are conveyed using examples.

Course Content: This course teaches theory and practice of inter- and
transdisciplinary research.

Please check the e-learning and cmlife at the beginning of the semester, as changes due to Covid-19 might occur.

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